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The High Temperature Co-Processing of Nickel …

The processing of nickel laterites by high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) typically uses feeds with an average nickel content not less than 1.1%–1.2% (cut-off grade 1.0%) [] though recently several …

Efficient nickel extraction from nickel matte by

In this paper, the efficient nickel leaching from nickel matte and sulfur conversion mechanism through the combined atmospheric-oxygen pressure acid leaching process were investigated. Factors affecting nickel leaching and sulfur conversion from nickel matte were systematically investigated on the basis of thermodynamic calculations.

XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress

The Effect of Oxidation on the Flotation Behaviour of Nickel-Copper Ores. Surface oxidation is one of the most important factors that influence the flotation selectivity and recovery in the processing of complex sulphide ores. It is an inherent part of surface chemical reactions that determine whether the surface film formed on a sulphide ...

Autoclave Leaching of Copper Nickel Matte

To aid in the separation of nickel and copper, the leaching step is usually conducted in several stages. Presently, considerable attention has been given to a two-stage leaching process that has been …

Recent Advancements in Metallurgical …

The currently proposed mineral processing operations are based on metallurgical approaches applied for land resources. ... hydrogen, and small amounts of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen. The most …

The Direct Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Flotation …

Gordon Process in 1955 was carried out by Totlani and Balachandra (1969) who studied ammonia pressure leach-ing of a copper-nickel concentrate containing 6.8% Ni and 4.5% Cu, copper being present as chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2), and nickel being present in a …

Oxygen reduction at sulphide minerals. 3. The effect of …

The formation of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2), an oxidising agent stronger than oxygen, during the grinding of galena (PbS) was examined.It was observed that galena generated H 2 O 2 in the pulp liquid during wet grinding and also when the freshly ground solids were placed in water immediately after dry grinding. The generation of H 2 …

Modeling of chemical-looping combustion process of methane with nickel

The chemical-looping combustion of methane in a three-dimensional cylindrical fuel reactor is numerically studied using the developed multiphase particle-in-cell reactive model, featuring the multi-phase flow, heat transfer, reduction of oxygen carriers, and particle shrinkage. After model validation, the general flow patterns, and the …

Life Cycle Assessment of Copper and Nickel Production

The selected processing routes are given in Table 1 and include a pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical process for each metal. All routes include a mining stage (underground for all cases with the exception of the nickel laterite ore) and some form of mineral beneficiation or ore preparation stage. Both smelting

Reducing Carbon Footprint on Nickel Reduction Kiln

Mining and mineral processing operations alone are responsible for 4 ... A multivariable (MIMO) BrainWave ® MPC controller is used to control the temperature and oxygen level at the feed and fired end of the kiln ... realizing the potential of carbon capture and utilization in the processing of ultramafic nickel ores. Chem Eng J 433:134203. ...

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Improving Nickel Recovery …

The pressure for saving water by closing the water loops in mineral processing is increasing continuously. The drivers for higher recirculating rates include …

Extraction Behavior of Nickel and Cobalt From Serpentine …

The demand for nickel has been steadily increasing in the 21st century, primarily driven by the rising demand for electric vehicle batteries. Nickel in laterite is associated within silicate in saprolite ore and hydroxide/oxide in limonite ore. Recently, the sulfation–roasting–leaching process has been developed to address the challenges of …

Nickel processing

on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary Sources, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 40:3, 157-193, DOI: …

Oxygen Reduction on Sulphide Minerals | SpringerLink

This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. ... Oxygen reduction on sulphide minerals. Part III. Comparison of activities of various coppe, iron, lead, and nickel mineral electrodes, to be published ... London, 1970, p. 59. Google Scholar T. Biegler, Oxygen reduction on sulphide minerals ...

Comprehensive Review on Metallurgical …

In consideration of the special mineralogical characteristics of nickel sulfide ore, oxygen is regarded as a common oxidant in nickel extraction from nickel sulfide ores. ... Khalesi M R, Tavakoli M R (2012) Ammonia leaching in the copper industry: a review. In: XXVI …

(PDF) Nickel Laterite Smelting Processes and Some

In Proceedings of the 2nd Mineral Processing and T echnology International Conference, Serpong, Indonesia, 1–2 November 2018; IOP Publishing: Bristol, UK, 2019.

Nickel (Ni) Ore | Properties, Formation, Minerals, Deposits

Nickel is a chemical element with the symbol Ni and atomic number 28. It is a silvery-white metal with a relatively high melting point and excellent corrosion resistance. Nickel is commonly found in the Earth's crust, but it is typically extracted from its ore minerals through mining and processing. Nickel ore.

Effect of Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth in Co-processing …

In: Maholtra D (ed) Recent advances in mineral processing plant design. SME, New York, pp 140–154. Google Scholar McDonald R, Rodriguez M, Li J, Robinson D, Jackson M, Hosken T (2012) The co-processing of nickel sulphide and laterite materials using low oxygen pressures.

Thermo-ecological and exergy replacement costs of nickel processing

The combined methodology enhances the importance of mineral consumption. In this paper, an exergy analysis of nickel processing is performed through the application of two methodologies: TEC (thermo-ecological cost) and ERC (exergy replacement cost). The merging of both methodologies allows to have a complete …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Characterization of a Nickel …

In anticipation of future demands, a comprehensive understanding of the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of nickel-bearing minerals is a prerequisite to devising effective nickel beneficiation methods. Of particular importance are markers in the mineralogy of the flotation concentrate that inform beneficiation strategies to improve …

Diffusion of oxygen in liquid copper and nickel: …

The solidified diffusion columns were sectioned and analysed for oxygen by vacuum fusion analysis. Oxygen diffusivities, D, were calculated through use of a …

Recent Progress in Hydrometallurgical Processing of …

Loveday BK, The use of oxygen in high pressure acid leaching of nickel laterites, Minerals engineering, (2008) 533-538. Article CAS Google Scholar Basturkcu …

The use of oxygen in high pressure acid leaching of nickel …

Preliminary leaching tests on a sample of limonitic laterite at 220 °C, gave satisfactory recoveries of nickel.It was noted that a significant proportion of the iron remained in solution (about 11 g/l) due to its presence as divalent iron.This was equivalent to about 55 kg per ton of ore or 14% of the iron.The use of oxygen in the leach was …

Efficient Synchronous Extraction of Nickel, Copper, …

International Journal of Mineral Processing 124, 145–149 (2013). Article CAS Google Scholar Xu, C. et al. Extraction of metals from complex sulfide nickel …

High-Grade Ferronickel Concentrates Prepared from Laterite Nickel …

Nickel is widely used in industrial processes and plays a crucial role in many applications. However, most of the nickel resource mainly exists as nickel oxide in laterite nickel ore with complex composition, resulting in difficulty in upgrading the nickel content using physical separation methods. In this study, high-grade ferronickel concentrates …

Efficient reductive leaching of valuable elements from oxygen …

1. Introduction. High-temperature oxygen pressure leaching is the latest industrialized technology that uses high nickel matte which takes laterite as the source to produce nickel sulfate, and the leaching residue is produced in this process [1], [2].With the rapid development of new energy, the demand of nickel sulfate which is the main raw …

Pressure oxidation overview

Developments in Mineral Processing. Volume 15, 2005, Pages 346 ... The gas from the scrubber stack is over 90% steam with minor quantities of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and inerts. ... nickel sulfide concentrate at 85°C and an air pressure of 420 kPa as the first step in a totally hydrometallurgical process to produce nickel powder and …

Materials Proceedings | Free Full-Text | The Nickel …

Primary world nickel production in 2020 was 2430.7 kt Ni; 69% (1677.7 kt) of them came from oxidized nickel ores (laterites) and 31% from sulfides. Production-wise, 87.7% of the 1677.7 kt came from pyrometallurgical and 12.3% from hydrometallurgical processes. For a long time, Fe-Ni had a 20–40% Ni analysis, but in 2006 a new Fe-Ni quality came into …

(PDF) Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel …

on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary Sources, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 40:3, 157-193, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2018.1514300 To link to this article: …

Chemical Mineral Processing | SpringerLink

Since the 1940s, copper leaching plants, chemical mineral processing plants producing nickel and cobalt, and uranium leaching plants have appeared all over the world. After the 1960s, the rapid development of roasting, leaching and solution purification, and separation processes, especially the application of solvent extraction and ion …

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