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Roasting | metallurgy | Britannica

Roasting, or heating in air without fusion, transforms sulfide ores into oxides, the sulfur escaping as sulfur dioxide, a gas. Smelting ( q.v.) is the process used in blast furnaces to reduce iron ores. Tin, copper, and lead ores are also smelted. This article was most recently revised and updated by Robert Curley.

Synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a mixed …

Mixed oxide-sulfide nickel ore is becoming the major source of nickel produced in the nickel smelting enterprise due to the increasing global demand of nickel and the depletion of high-grade nickel sulfide ore.Low temperature roasting technique by ammonium sulfate is a potential cleaner production process with high metal recovery, …

Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore

This chapter explains the process of nickel concentration from ground sulfide ore, the starting material. This is necessary because mined nickel sulfide ores contain between 1% and 3% Ni only and ...

Roasting and Leaching Behavior of Nickel Laterite Ore

Abstract Nickel is mostly extracted from sulfide ores, however, laterite ores account for over 60 pct of all nickel resources in the world, and despite its …

Copper–Nickel Ore Processing by Low-Temperature …

Abstract The phase transitions of sulfide minerals—pentlandite and chalcopyrite—are tested in roasting with mixture with ammonium sulfate. The behavior of the mixture during roasting is assessed via the synchronous thermal and X-ray phase …

Copper–Nickel Ore Processing by Low-Temperature Roasting …

Abstract The phase transitions of sulfide minerals—pentlandite and chalcopyrite—are tested in roasting with mixture with ammonium sulfate. The behavior of the mixture during roasting is assessed via the synchronous thermal and X-ray phase analyses, and by scanning electron microscopy. The basic optimal technology …

A Study of the Feasibility of Using Ammonium Sulfate in …

Keywords: copper–nickel ore; flotation; rougher concentrate; ammonium sulfate; roasting; aque-ous leaching 1. Introduction To date, more than 400 copper–nickel ore deposits have been discovered worldwide, and the combined global reserves of copper and nickel are currently estimated at 1.6 billion tons and 210 million tons, respectively.

Roasting Solutions

in developing processing technologies for concentrates and ores. Safe, easy, and cost-efficient to operate, they offer low waste generation and high ... pyrite, gold, copper, nickel Two-stage roasting (partial roast-ing + dead roasting) BFB Removal of As (partial roasting), Removal of S and C (dead roasting) Temp: same as partial/dead roasting ...

Extraction of Metals from Nickel Concentrate by Low

sulfide ore. This ore has the characteristics of low nickel content, complex production process and high gangue content,5 which has caused many obstacles to using the pyrometallurgical process.6 In recent years, many studies have been carried out on the direct and simultaneous extraction of valuable metals such as nickel, copper and cobalt ...

Nickel Ore

The sources of sulfur in the charge are carbon reductant and heavy fuel oil (1.8% S) and phosphorus, mainly carbon reductant and nickel ore. The smelting of ferronickel using lean nickel ores usually starts with roasting (calcining) of the ore mixture with limestone (~one third of the ore), anthracite (~1/10 of the ore amount), and recycled ...

Sulfide Ore

During partial roasting in the temperature range 550–600°C (1022–1112°F), approximately 40% of the sulfur is oxidized and enough heat is generated to make the roasting. ... nickel ore concentrate containing less than 1% moisture is fed to the furnace along with preheated air, oxygen-enriched air (30–40% oxygen), or pure oxygen ...

Processing of Copper-Containing Molybdenite Concentrates by Roasting

The paper discusses methods of processing copper-containing molybdenite concentrates. A process flow diagram based on roasting with sodium chloride (or carbonate) and subsequent water leaching is presented. The chemistry of sulfide interaction with salt additives is described. The effect of the roasting temperature on copper and …

Direct Extraction of Nickel and Copper from Low-Grade Nickel …

A new extraction technology of chlorination roasting with a mixture of MgCl 2 ·6H 2 O and NaCl was investigated to co-extract nickel and copper from low-grade nickel ores. The effects of some key factors on the extraction of nickel, copper, and iron were studied, and the results show that,when the roasting temperature is 850°C, the roasting …

Sulfide Ore

13.5 Heap Leaching of Nickel Sulfide Ore. An alternative to intensifying the rate of leaching of concentrates is to heap leach the whole ore. This has the significant advantage of eliminating the concentration of the sulfides, which is the step that has the lowest recovery on route from ore to metal. Nickel sulfide ores are processed by heap ...

Copper extraction

The Chino open-pit copper mine in New Mexico Chalcopyrite specimen from Huarón mine, Peru. Copper extraction refers to the methods used to obtain copper from its ores.The conversion of copper ores consists of a series of physical, chemical and electrochemical processes. Methods have evolved and vary with country depending on the ore source, …

A Study of the Feasibility of Using Ammonium Sulfate in …

Keywords: copper–nickel ore; flotation; rougher concentrate; ammonium sulfate; roasting; aque-ous leaching 1. Introduction To date, more than 400 …

Application of Sulfide Copper Ores Oxidizing Roasting

The topics discussed include smelting laterite concentrates to sulfide matte, extracting nickel and cobalt from sulfide ores, the slow cooling and solidification of converter matte, extracting ...

Extraction of Metals from Nickel Concentrate by Low

Nickel sulfide ore is an important raw material for nickel production. It is a complex mineral containing nickel, copper, cobalt and platinum group elements, which can provide 60% of the world's nickel products. 1,2,3 China's Jinchuan Nickel Mine is one of the well-known and super-large polymetallic associated magmatic nickel sulfide …

Low grade ores – Smelt, leach or concentrate?

The former involves smelting of the ore or concentrate at high temperatures, while the latter involves leaching the ore or concentrate at relatively low temperatures, including ambient. These two broad processing paths may be broken down further into the following routes, as shown in Fig. 5, for copper and nickel ores: Download : ...

Roasting | SpringerLink

Roasting. Called also calcination, it is the reaction process of solid materials such as ore, concentrate, or metal compound without melting at a high temperature. It is used in chemical or metallurgical production to obtain chemical constituents required for the next process of either smelting or leaching. It can also be seen as a process of ...

(PDF) Sulfation Roasting of Nickel Oxide–Sulfide Mixed Ore Concentrate

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate ...

Roasting Solutions

in developing processing technologies for concentrates and ores. Safe, easy, and cost-efficient to operate, they offer low waste generation and high ... pyrite, gold, copper, …

Smelting of Nickel Sulfide Concentrates by Roasting and …

The direct hydrometallurgical processing of nickel sulfide concentrates and whole ores may be a remedy to these issues and hydrometallurgy offers several advantages over pyrometallurgy such as ...

Copper-Nickel Ore Processing

Copper-Nickel Ore Processing. Table of Contents. A nickel-copper sulphide concentrate was treated in a pilot plant at Warren Spring Laboratory during 1961, by a hydrometallurgical roast-leach-solvent extraction process devised to cleanly separate the metal values, and produce acid sulphate liquors containing the metals.

Sodium sulfate activation mechanism on co-sulfating roasting to nickel

Therefore, pre-activation of nickel sulfide concentrate, such as sulfating roasting or chlorinating roasting, has extensive applicability to treatment of multi-metal ore, and is a potential way in which to process copper-nickel sulfide concentrate (Imideev et al., 2014, Xu et al., 2017, Yu et al., 2014).

Synchronous extraction of nickel and copper from a …

The mineralogical phase identification of the ore samples was carried out using XRD (Rint-2000, Rigaku), and the results in Fig. 1 indicate that the major …

A Study of the Feasibility of Using Ammonium Sulfate in Copper—Nickel …

The possibility of applying a combined concentration and metallurgical method for processing low-grade and refractory copper–nickel ores was considered. The resulting rougher and scavenger flotation concentrate contained 2.07% nickel and 0.881% copper at a recovery of 85.44% and 89.91%, respectively. The concentrate was then roasted …

Sodium sulfate activation mechanism on co-sulfating roasting to nickel

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate was … Expand

Sulfatizing Roasting and Leaching of Cobalt Ores at …

The Outokumpu Oy Cobalt Plant processes nickel, copper, and zinc bearing cobaltiferrous pyrite concentrate. Main operations: sulfatizing roasting, leaching, solution purification and recovery of cobalt metal. Roasting is done in fluidized beds, most of the material being fed as calcine. Green concentrate is used only for the heat …

Copper–Nickel Ore Processing by Low-Temperature …

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel …

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