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Looking Back 1950: Maryland's second largest mine closes

By 1950, the mining operations at Vindex were the second largest in Maryland, but that didn't save it from being shut down at the end of March. "Last year, the Vindex deep mine and the Laurel Stripping Company nearby produced 107,908 tons of coal," The (Oakland) Republican reported. That was less than half of what the mine had …


PA was the No. 1 coal mining state in the U.S.A. until West ia surpassed it in 1930. In 1992 Pennsylvania produced only 65 million tons of coal, but was still the nationwide leader in coke production. This is a presentation of historically significant bituminous coal mining towns and structures in Western Pennsylvania.

Clive Palmer's Queensland coalmine will harm future …

The group argues that the Galilee coal project proposed by Palmer's company, Waratah Coal, would cause environmental harm by contributing to global climate change, and in the process limit the ...

Queensland Land Court rules against Clive …

Queensland Land Court rules against Clive Palmer's Waratah Coal mine in landmark ruling. ... The coal mine would remove about 40 million tonnes of coal a year for export to South-East Asia, …

Coal Mining

Jan 14, 2023 - Alfreton Hall was built around 1724 for George Morewood and was owned by the Palmer Morewood family, owners of many of the local coal mines, It is now a Wedding and Functions venue. Image from a postcard in our collection.

Clive Palmer company Waratah Coal's coal project awaiting …

7.30 contacted Clive Palmer and Waratah Coal to request an interview and sent the company a list of questions but has not received a response. Watch this story tonight on 7.30 on ABC TV and iview .

Bayne: A King County Coal Mining Town

Tweet. Bayne was one of the many coal mining towns that flourished in eastern King County in the early years of the twentieth century and have since largely vanished. Very little of the town, located along the Cumberland-Kanaskat Road east of Black Diamond, remains now, but at its peak Bayne boasted more than three hundred …

Genealogy Projects: Palmer-Morewood

It was at the heart of local social and industrial history in the county. The history of the estate goes back to Norman times, but by the 17th century it was owned by the …


Out of these rich coal mines the Morewoods of Alfreton, a county family, have become opulent. They have "struck ile." The father of the family died recently, and the elder …

The Palmer Morewood Memorial Social Club – The Spirit of …

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Clive Palmer Queensland coal mine bid: court rejects …

Clive Palmer's proposal for a $6.5 billion thermal coal mine in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland has been dealt a major blow after the Queensland Land Court recommended the Palaszczuk ...

Usibelli Coal Mine

Founded in 1943, Usibelli Coal Mine (UCM) has grown to become the largest coal mining operation in Alaska utilizing the most modern mining equipment and state-of-the-art engineering to supply coal to six Alaska power plants and export coal to Chile, South Korea and several other Pacific Rim destinations. UCM sponsors many community events and …

Clive Palmer's giant thermal coal mine plan squashed

April 3, 2023 - 5:23PM. Mining magnate Clive Palmer's proposal to build the biggest thermal coal mine in Australia has been killed, with Queensland's environmental authority rejecting the ...

Local History for the Town of Alfreton | Our Alfreton

The position was passed down variously through heredity, gift and sale over the centuries up until William Palmer-Morewood, the last Lord of Alfreton, who died in 1957. ... In the 18th century Alfreton was the chief coal-mining centre in Derbyshire, and the third-largest town in the county. The pits closed in the late 1960s and their sites have ...

Catalogue Description

Palmer-Morewood family of Alfreton: Description: The collection is unlisted. Contains family, estate and personal records. Includes: Derbyshire title deeds, manorial records, …


APPALACHIAN COALFIELDS. A Scrapbook of Appalachian Coal Towns. (This website lovingly hand-coded in HTML, as learned from the book, "HTML For Dummies" in the 1990s.) Online since 2001. as seen in the Pittsburgh Post …

Genealogy Projects: Palmer-Morewood

It was at the heart of local social and industrial history in the county. The history of the estate goes back to Norman times, but by the 17th century it was owned by the Morewood family, who were linked to local industry, mainly in coal mining.The original hall was on the site of Hall Farm to the east...

Alfreton Hall | Peak District Online

Alfreton Hall. Alfreton Hall was built around 1724-25, close to the site of an older building, for George Morewood and was owned by the Palmer Morewood family, owners of …

Guide to Alfreton in Derbyshire

The Hall was built around 1724-25 for George Morewood and was owned by the Palmer Morewood family, owners of many of the local coal mines, until 1963, when the County …

Disappearing coal patches were a vital part of region's fabric

Morewood, the site of a violent labor confrontation in 1891, known as the Morewood Massacre, in which 11 miners were killed, was nearly forgotten. A state historical …

Black Diamond – Black Diamond Historical Society & Museum

Palmer operates multiple underground coal mines including Danville, Landsburg, Rogers No. 1, 2, and 3, Kummer, Franklin No. 10, No. 12, and the Fulton seam. 1959. Black Diamond was incorporated as a city. 1975. Palmer closes the last underground coal mine in the state of Washington, the Rogers No. 3 near Ravensdale, adjacent to Black Diamond.

Clive Palmer's coal mine decision is delayed again

Clive Palmer's proposed Central Queensland Coal project is a greenfield development located in the Styx Basin, about 130km north-west of Rockhampton. If approved, the completed project would produce up to 10 million tonnes per annum of semi-soft coking coal and high-grade thermal coal from an open-cut mine for 18 years.

Durham Mining Museum

This site hosts the Durham Mining Museum website. Tweet. Who's Who: Index : ... Source: 1945 Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory. 1947 Biographical Notes. Palmer-Morewood, ... If you are researching R. C. A. Palmer-Morewood (e.g. for family tree purposes) and you would like to hear from others with the same interest then please ...

History lectures look at Frick's coal mines, deadly strikes

The Morewood Massacre occurred during the strike of 1891, when mobs of workers marched through the streets of Mt. Pleasant, Scottdale, and as far as Broadford, brandishing guns, clubs and bombs. ... and Connellsville are intended to share and receive information from the people whose ancestors worked in the regional coal mines, …

Barrier Reef fears sink Palmer's push for new coal mine

A coal mine proposed by Clive Palmer has been rejected on the grounds it could threaten the Great Barrier Reef, freshwater creeks and ground water. The proposed Central Queensland Coal Project was ...

WHEN COAL WAS KING: Kanaskat Bridge & Store

The new station provided an important hub as Palmer and Kanaskat prospered for some time. After King County completed the Kanaskat Bridge over the Green River in 1918, George's grandson Tom Whitehouse built a new home for his bride, Katie in 1921. Three years later he built this store and gas station across the street, which later …

Japan's World Heritage Miike Coal Mine – Where …

David Palmer Abstract: Mitsui's Miike Coal Mine is World Heritage listed by UNESCO as one of Japan's "Sites of the Industrial Revolution." The Japanese government, however, has failed to tell the full story of this mine, instead promoting bland tourism. In World War II, Miike was Japan's largest coal mine, but also

Usibelli Coal Mine

Palmer, AK 99645. office (907) 745-6028. fax (907) 745-6083. Founded in 1943, Usibelli Coal Mine (UCM) has grown to become the largest coal mining operation in Alaska utilizing the most modern mining equipment and state-of-the-art engineering to supply coal to six Alaska power plants and export coal to Chile, South Korea and several other ...

Plibersek moves to block Clive Palmer's proposed coal mine

Aug 4, 2022 – 5.20pm. Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek intends to block billionaire Clive Palmer's open cut thermal and coking coal mine as it would likely have "unacceptable impacts ...


At that time these two counties mined one-third of all the coal in Pennsylvania and one-ninth of all the coal in the U.S.A. A large portion of these coal mines and coke works were owned by the H.C. Frick Coke Co., after 1903 a subsidiary of U.S. Steel. After World War 1 the trend was by-product coke production.

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